Latest Past Events

Accessibility, Accommodations, and Graduate Supervision: Faculty Workshop

This workshop was rescheduled to November 27, 11:00am - 1:00pm. Facilitated by Dr. Pearl Levey​, Accommodations Specialist for Practicums/Placements/Laboratories​, Accessibility Services​, Sezgi Ozel​, Team Lead, Graduate and Professional Programs​, Accessibility Services​, Aziza Kajan, Director, Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision​, and Lauren Pais, Case-Coordinator, Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision​.This workshop is designed to support graduate supervisors and graduate unit administrative faculty to understand the […]


Communicating Boundaries and Expectations in the Supervisory Relationship: Faculty Workshop

Facilitated by Aziza Kajan, Director, Centre for Graduate Mentorship and Supervision.Managing boundaries and expectations is integral to a successful graduate supervisory relationship. Knowing how, and when, to communicate what we expect from someone can help mitigate future misunderstandings. Establishing professional, academic, and personal boundaries and expectations helps the supervisory relationship feel more predictable, trustworthy, and consistent.This […]


How to Give More Effective Writing Feedback to Graduate Students: Faculty Workshop

Thesis writing feedback is one of the most significant points of contact between a doctoral student and their supervisor. Doctoral writers rely on various types of feedback throughout the writing process to produce high quality scholarly work. Supervisors, however, often find the feedback cycle to be laborious, inefficient, and frustrating. In this workshop, we will […]
